OSI has re-entered the arena and is now serving both private and public sector clients. Our focus is in cyber-security and operations, secure collaboration, and specialized investigations. OSI is also advancing innovation and forward thinking in support of the SRO (school resource officer) and their roles with school safety and security.

The CQBRS (Close Quarters Battle, Reconnaissance & Surveillance) Program began in the early 1990’s, was the first tactical tracking program to be POST certified in the state of Georgia and is still taught today for the federal government.

In the past, OSI has supported numerous contracts and efforts in the United States and abroad and is known for its expertise in providing special investigations, intelligence, and executive protection.

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Cyber Operations & Innovation

OSI provides customers and partners with peace of mind and security through a full spectrum of cyber services. Contact us through the website to learn more!

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Our security consultants analyze an organization's security and risk levels and provide recommendations for implementing safety and protection measures. OSI can walk along side your organization and effectively help you address Risk, Threats, Security, and Protection of your people and assets.

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CQBRS scout tracker

OSI leads the way in the development and advancement of tracking training and innovation for law enforcement and other elements of the tactical community. OSI was one of the first private sector training companies staffed by law enforcement and military operators, all skilled and experienced in tracking and field craft.

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CenturionXL & resiliency

Centurion is a non-profit partner to OSI and supports the many who stand guard for our nation – even around the world. If you had to sum up the mission of Centurion in one word, it might be “Resiliency.”

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school safety, security, and the SRO

You might say OSI is in the R&D space as it relates to School Safety, Security, and the role in criticality of the SRO (School Resource Officer).

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OSI remembered (25 years of history)

1990 – 2015

OSI Remembered. esse quam videri

OSI served Government and Private Sector for 25 Years before operational evolution gave way to the Applied Scientific Technology Advance at Intelligent Social Media, LLC (ISM). This site serves as a reminder of the threats and risks that have always been with us and a journal to the many accomplishments and historical events that became part of the pedigree that now defines the OSI – ISM Legacy.

Thank you to the many who made these years, operations, investigations, and accolades possible! You are not forgotten. I hope this site will stand as a reminder of OSI’s achievements in the past, as well as inspire us to God-honoring greatness for all the days of our lives. Stronger-Together! keep reading

(c) 2024 OSI. Site design by brianspeer.com

(c) 2024 OSI. Site design by brianspeer.com